Thursday, September 1, 2011

The First First Day

I am beyond blessed, and it is my priviledge to stay at home with this precious boy.  But after 20 months of 24-7 mommy and Po time....girl needs a break. (If my parents would just move here, all my childcare issues would be solved... hint hint.)  Justin and I decided to enroll P at Country Day School this fall.  He goes two days a week for three hours.  I thought that was a really long time, and I worried about it.   But now that it has begun, three hours goes by REALLY quickly.  And HOW MUCH FUN IS IT TO GO TO TARGET BY MYSELF????  Yeah!  He is still crying a bit at drop off, but his sweet teachers assure me that he is adjusting just fine.  I'll take their word for it, because I am loving my alone time!  Even though I am currently spending it at the chiropractor's office because Porter weighs 33 pounds, and I am a wimp.

All the kiddos have the same bags in different colors.  Very cute.

He was very excited and kept saying, "school, school!"

Po and Daddy

Big Smile!!

The grin only lasted until we walked in the doors...  He took one look at his teachers and lost it.  And then I lost it.  And I don't cry, so it was very dramatic.  And that is why there are no pictures of the actual walking in to school. 

P.S.  I am getting his hair cut next week.  I know it is out of control.  But I think it is beautiful, and maybe I'm just jealous that my hair isn't like his... 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

I needed a new table for our breakfast area.  Our little fam has outgrown my beloved concrete-topped iron cafe table.  And since I no longer have a dining room (turned it into my sewing space), a table that seats more than two is somewhat necessary.  I noticed my mother had one in their garage. 

Me:  "Can I please have your table?"
Mom:  "Are you going to paint it or beat it up in any way?"
Me:  "Yep."
Mom:  "Then no, I'd rather give it to the Salvation Army."

Really?  What does she think is going to happen to her table at the Salvation Army??  Some nice lady is going to buy it and give it a good coat of Pledge every week??

She finally relented. 

Have you ever heard of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint?  It is new on my rader, and now I am obsessed and want to paint everything in my house.  Look it up!  It was really easy to use, and I am very pleased with the results...looks good if I say so myself.

Before and After:

Why is my picture sideways??  I can't fix it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm back!

Remember me?  Doubtful.
Here is what I look like:

Beach vacation this year:  child not happy.

He's been a bit of a pistol...rocked my world FO SHO.  But we are getting the hang of things.  And I miss blogging.  I just have so much to say. 

So I'm back.  I think.  I'm going to try really hard.  Because you really need to see this gorgeous face on a regular basis.  And read my thoughts on subjects that don't matter.

And I need it too. 
I'm so big mommy!
 My sweet Porter is 20 months old.  How did that happen?

BTW...renamed the blog "All Over the Place" because that best describes me these days.  I can't seem to finish a thought or sentence before starting another one.  And forget remembering to do anything that isn't written on my handy dandy list.  What happened to my brain??  Also, I really like lots of things that don't necessarily go together, and this will probably be the most random blog you've ever read.  You have been warned.

And when I said "gorgeous face," I mean this one:
That's dirt on his face...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sneak Peek

We had some newborn shots taken of Porter this week, and I couldn't be more OBSESSED with them! I can't wait to see them all!

Aimee is located right here in Baldwin County, and she is an amazing photographer, not to mention cute, kind and extremely patient. Check out all her work HERE!

Email Forward

This makes me laugh SO HARD: I know there is some story about the National Championship trophy being taken to Wal-Mart, but regardless of that, I think this t-shirt pretty much sums it up.

Thank you, Caroline, for sending this to me!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just a Few Pics...

We are doing really well!! Porter is a good baby. He sleeps well and eats well. I keep waiting for him to start that hysterical crying, but so far, so good. He is laid back and easy to soothe. I am soooooo happy!! Please, dear Lord, let him stay like this...

Here are a few pics of our first three weeks:

Just in case you were worried about the pups... Don't. This little one is rotten. This is the biliblanket that we had the wonderful privelege of living on 24-7 for 8 days. And we also got to go to the hospital EVERY DAY for a heel prick to check his bilirubin. That's a really fun thing to do with a new baby and a messed up hoohaa. He looks like a glow-worm!

First doctor's appointment at one week. His storkbite is still pretty noticable, but should fade in a year. A year?

Christmas Day in his sweet Kissy Kissy Christmas outfit that was way too big.
New Year's Eve. Mom made me go to the party at Lucy's. I cried because I was sure a drunk driver was going to kill us, and my son would never know me. I'm impressed I made it out the door.
Happy 2010! Porter cheered on the Tigers in every piece of Auburn gear he owns. :) The shirt and pants were a gift from our friend at church...her husband was in the band!
He makes so many funny faces. And he is starting to get that yucky acne.
Sleepy boy. He likes this vibrate-y seat thing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Okay... so here is how the birth went down. As best as my sleep-deprived mind can remember... Who knew the simple act of feeding a child every three hours could affect one's memory so profoundly?! I really want to remember all of these details, so it may be long.

I went to my 37-week appointment and found out that I was already dilated 2 cm and 80% effaced. I had a total meltdown in the doctor's office that included lots of sweating and heavy breathing. The thought that THIS COULD HAPPEN AT ANY MOMENT freaked me out. I think I scared Dr. Shoemaker who was worried that I was going to pass out in his exam room with all of my carrying on.

Over the next week I was feeling lots of pressure and having spurts of contractions that didn't hurt. By Wednesday (my 38-week appointment day) I was positive that the doctor was going to send me right to the hospital after he checked me. I even packed my bag, put on makeup and took this picture (one of the only ones--see the Oreos in the background??) the appointment, I was 4 cm! Let's go! I wanted to make sure to get to the hospital in time to get the epidural. That was of utmost importance. But there was no room at the hospital for me. He even tried to get me on the induction schedule for the next morning (Thursday). No room. So he said, "In case you don't go into labor tonight, just come to the ER tomorrow morning at 6:30. They won't turn you away because you are halfway there, and we'll have this baby."

So we went home and waited. I called my mom, and they got here in time for dinner. Even Aaron came! We went to eat at the Mexican restaurant close to our house. Don't worry; nothing spicy for me. Once we got home and settled down, the contractions began. They didn't hurt, but they were right on schedule--every 5 minutes. This lasted a few hours and then subsided. So I went to bed, and sure enough, the painful ones started around 3 a.m. For some reason I was still set on getting to the hospital at I was just hanging out in the bed. I got up at 4:30 and took a shower (shaved the legs...) and started getting increasingly agitated that Justin would not hurry up. He was taking his precious time eating breakfast, brushing the teeth... I was curled up on the couch yelling at him.

I was already ready for my epidural then, so I decided to forgo any makeup, thinking that afterwards I would feel much better and then could look good for the pictures. {So that is why I look horrible...uninformed planning on my part.}

We got to the hospital right at 6:30 a.m. (such a good, little rule follower...) The lady in the ER said I was the 4th pregnant person that morning. Oh joy. They took their time wheeling me upstairs, and once I got there there really was no room. I ended up in the c-section recovery room, right next to the OR. The nurse checked me... 5 cm... and said I had bought myself a ticket to stay. I started asking for the epidural then. Now where to put me?? Oh yes. I stayed in that recovery room...where there was minimal equipment and monitors that worked only sporadically...and where doctors would come to look for their c-section patients and find me. Not their patient. We felt just like Mary and Joseph in the stable because there was no room in Labor & Delivery. (Well not JUST like them, since Mary was carrying the Savior and all... but the lack of space was comparable.)

Anyway, have I mentioned that I asked for the epidural? Apparently you have to have your IV and answer 20 million questions first. And have some sort of blood work? Whatever. It took 3 tries (and 1 blown vein) to get an IV started. And then they couldn't get any blood out of the IV for the blood work, so I had to wait until the lab could come draw some. And that took forever. And I was annoyed and ill. And didn't want anyone to TOUCH me.The nurse offered me some Nubain (sp?) to help with the pain until the anesthesiologist could get to me. Hooray for Nubain. I would like to have some of that on a regular basis. I was feeling a little better, and then Dr. Shoemaker came in to break my water. Not going to happen without the epidural, thank you very much. He agreed, was surprised that I had not gotten it yet, and went off to find the doctor himself. I do love me some Dr. Shoemaker. So, after three and a half hours of begging for the epidural, it came to pass. {Interesting side note... the anesthesiologist who administered the good stuff remembered me from my ear surgery! She said, "weren't you just in here?" Embarrassing.}

Epidural in. Flat on back. Blood pressure bottoms out. Like 60/20. It was awful! Everything turned white and I decided to just go to the light. I'm not sure if I passed out or not, but I did tell the nurse that I was going to vomit, and you know how I feel about vomiting. When Justin and my mom came back in, I looked like this:I had had 3 or 4 doses of epinephrine, but had managed not to throw up. And I was 6 cm. There was really no point to putting on makeup now, because I was sweating so profusely.

My doctor came back, broke my water and started the Pitocin in my IV.

I have heard stories of epidurals gone spots, wearing off, etc... I must say that mine was amazing. I felt nothing. NOTHING. It was wonderful, and I can't imagine having a baby without one. Props to people who do natural childbirth, but I think they might be nuts.

Okay, so, we are hanging out in the stable, watching for contractions that aren't showing up on the broken monitor, just chilling. It had been a couple nurse was gone to lunch, Dr. Shoemaker was in surgery... It was quiet. Our friend (who is also a OBGYN) Fred Deigmann came in to say hello. He laughed about our accommodations, and asked how I was doing. I told him I was just fine. Epidurals are great. I can feel nothing but some pressure "down there." He said, "pressure? Where is your doctor? When is the last time they checked you? I'm going to do it myself." Sure enough, I was fully dilated, and it was time to push. He went out in the hall saying, "We need a nurse. We need a nurse!" Well, mine was at lunch.

And then I started freaking out again... Pushing sounds so scary. I was tired. I needed a nap. Not time to push. Fred found a nurse, and I told her that I could just wait a while. I knew they were short-staffed today, and I could just wait. Not a problem. I could take a short nap and be ready for the pushing in an hour or two. I was very surprised when she said that was okay!! She said I could "labor down" for a while, meaning that we would let the contractions push the baby down instead of me pushing. Sounded good to me.

My nurse came back an hour later, so I never got my nap. It was 2 p.m. and time to get the show on the road. Justin was on my right side, my mom on the left. We did a few "practice" pushes. What the heck is that??? Then I said to Justin, "I am going to throw up in 5 seconds." And I puked about 5 times. I have managed to NOT THROW UP this entire pregnancy (even through 20+ weeks of sickness), and I puke at the bitter end? Ugh. It was disgusting. And the worst part of the whole thing.

I was under the impression that by "laboring down," I would not have to push but a couple times, and the baby would just pop out. Incorrect. It took about an hour, and it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, no exaggeration. I kept wanting to take a break...take a nap...just quit. That sounds crazy, doesn't it? Mom called this "transition" and said it was completely normal. They wouldn't let me quit, of course, and at 3:13 p.m. we had our baby! Dr. Shoemaker made it in just in time to catch him (he was doing a hysterectomy) and stitch me up.

And that is all I can write. This has taken long enough. More pics to come, I am quite sure.
And I gained 30 pounds. I finally looked.